
ABSTRACT (English version): 

In addition to the improvement of aesthetic problems and the prevention of premature aging signs, research has long been directed to the management of structural and functional changes affecting the skin, caused by physiological processes, but also by environmental factors, including lifestyle, exposure to solar radiation and/or pollutants.

ABSTRACT (English version): 

Education is still a valuable way of promoting adherence in the population. It is evidently important to provide information to patients about their disease, to help them schedule drug administration times and to motivate them to take their prescribed medicines. Nevertheless, there is also evidence in the literature to suggest that, even in the case of efficacious patient–focused interventions, substantial long–term effects cannot be assured.

ABSTRACT (English version): 

From an Italian multidisciplinary research funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, the Italian Cancer Research Association (AIRC), the Veronesi Research Institute, and Pfizer for the recruitment of volunteers, evidence has emerged that moderate consumption of "Italian" coffee (espresso or moka) contributes to reducing the risk of prostate cancer. These recent findings derive from the Moli-sani population study involving 6,989 ultra-50-year-old males (in 90.5% of cases of coffee consumers) and followed them for an average of 4.24 ± 1.35 years.

ABSTRACT (English version): 

Malnutrition in the elderly can cause pathologies, such as infections and pressure ulcers, with a strong impact, both on the quality of life of the subject and on the healthcare costs for their treatment.
A recent survey, carried out in the United Kingdom between 2007 and 2011 in 474 senior residences, highlighted a prevalence of averaged or elevated malnutrition between 27% and 39% of guests, depending on the age range considered.

ABSTRACT (English version): 

Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease (SAD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by memory loss, progressive cognitive impairment, and behavioural disturbances. Aging is one of the factors that cause Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease (SAD), together with genetic risks and oxidative stresses. Oxidative stresses and memory decline seem to be induced by inflammatory reaction. Recent studies have shown positive role in aging of different ethanolic extracts (Rosa canina, Tanacetum vulgare and Urtica dioica) as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent.

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